Anger Management Techniques For Dads - 7 Ways To Control Your Temper
Nov 30, 2017
You feel overworked. Your financially stressed. You not getting along with your wife. Your kids are driving you crazy. It really doesn’t matter what’s going on but you’re angry. What matters is how you handle it. So in this video, we going over 7 ways you can manage your anger.
Anger is a big deal. And when you have children, if you are not careful, anger can really effect them in a negative way. Has your child slammed a door? Yelled at you? Maybe even threw something across the room? I’m sure they didn’t learn any of those things from you. They learned it from watching other people. The reality is that we all have unique things in our life that can trigger anger. We may feel threatened, attacked, powerless, or that we are being treated unfairly. Sometimes it can simply be that we really don’t know any other way to handle a situation. So we turn to anger because it’s easy.
Whatever your reason for losing your temper…as a father, it’s important we learn to manage our temper or anger as to not hurt ourselves or others. If you find yourself getting angry frequently with your child or spouse, you need to do something about it. So what do we do?
Here are 7 ways to control your temper and manage your anger:
#1 – Understand why you are mad – We often get mad at our kids or spouse when we are actually frustrated or mad at something else. Identify exactly what you are mad at, acknowledge it and figure out if it’s something you can change or something you have no control over. If it’s something you can change, then change it. If it’s something you have no control over, then let it go. You can’t do anything about it.
#2 – Practice Acceptance – Both self-acceptance and the acceptance of others – What this means is learning that you are ok who you are or how you are feeling. You also need to be ok with other people. Now this one may take a lot of practice. It may involve accepting the idea that other people have different views than you. Other people may do things differently or choose different things than you do. Instead of being angry, begin to learn how to reduce the effect that others have on us is by accepting ourselves and them.
#3 – Remove Yourself from the Situation – This could mean taking a personal timeout or physically walking away from the situation that you feel is escalating. When you begin to get better at recognizing some of your triggers and can start to feel the anger coming on, simply remove yourself from the situation. Removing yourself can then allow you time to calm down and think about the best way to approach the situation.
#4 – Exercise – Release some happy hormones into your body and relieve stress. This may mean you do some physical activity immediately when feeling angry (if that is possible), or get yourself on a regular exercise schedule so that you are releasing energy on a regular basis. Another awesome activity is
#5: Practice meditation or breathing exercises – Meditation is an amazing tool to calm your mind and body. As for breathing exercises, there are techniques you can use that can help calm you down quickly. These can be used daily or in emergency situations.
#6 – Count to ten – like removing yourself or breathing exercises, the act of counting to 10 gives yourself a much needed break from the situation. By counting to 10, you give your mind and body the time to think or feel about how to respond or react. When we are in an angered state, we often react or respond quickly. Counting provides us the space to evaluate the situation.
#7: If your anger or temper doesn’t feel like something you can solve or deal with on your own, please seek professional help. Think about the others around you. How does your anger or temper affect them? How do you want your child to manage their own anger or temper? You owe it to yourself and your family. Hopefully that will motivate you to do something about it. I guarantee if you do, you will be happier in your own life and positively effect those around you. That’s all we have for today. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. We create new videos for you each week. Is there a topic you would like us to cover? Put your answers in the comments below. We love your feedback.
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